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Care Tips When Moving Your Wood Furniture

Aside from your decorations and centerpieces, one of the best things to look at your home can be your wooden furniture. These types of furniture look incredibly well. They can also last long enough to be heirlooms you can pass down to your family. Although wooden furniture is durable, it can be prone to damage.

Damage to your wooden furniture often occurs when you’re moving it. It could get scratched, get chipped, or it can even break a piece if you’re not careful. Believe it or not, wooden furniture has a booming market, and damaging a piece can hurt its value. To avoid doing damage to your wooden furniture, here are some care tips when you want to move them:

Treating Wood before Moving

You should put treatments on your wooden furniture before moving them. If you think the furniture is dried out, moving it can cause cracking. To avoid any cracking, apply furniture polish. The polish helps hydrate the surface of the wooden furniture. 

Some cleaning solutions often contain linseed oil. Linseed oil provides a good finish for your furniture but needs a long time to set. You can also try a DIY solution that works just as well. Mix in four cups of mineral oil, a half cup of vinegar, one and a half cups of olive oil, and a half cup of lemon oil. You can apply this solution to your furniture by using a soft rag. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and wipe away the excess oil on your furniture.

Moving Dinner Tables

Wooden dinner tables are one of the best pieces of furniture you can have. These big tables are perfect items that can become heirlooms. When the time comes to pass them on, you’ll need to be very careful not to put dings and chips on them. 

When moving a wooden table, you can use a thick blanket and clear plastic wrap to protect it. Wrap the blanket around the table and use a small tie to secure the blanket. Next, wrap around the plastic wrap to add another layer of protection. 

A blanket might seem enough, but if you’re going to move the table out of the house into the open, there are chances that it would rain. The plastic wrap protects the blanket and table from soaking up water. When wood soaks up too much water, it becomes soft and can start to rot.

Don’t Stack Furniture

Although you can save a lot of space when stacking furniture, don’t stack wood furniture on top of each other. Aside from chipping and scratches, the bottom furniture may not handle the weight of the other things on top. A safer alternative, if it allows, is to disassemble your furniture. 

Disassembling your furniture protects it even more. For example, if table legs are removable, you can pack up the legs and cover them with a blanket to avoid scratches. The main table can then be flipped on its side to save up more space.

Wood Furniture Can Be Heavy

Speaking of weight, furniture made out of teak, oak, pine, and cherry can be very heavy. Don’t even attempt moving heavy furniture on your own. You’ll either cause damage or, worse, hurt yourself in the process. Although getting more help is a good idea, an even better one is using a dolly. Depending on the type of dolly used, you can quickly move stuff weighing more than 500 pounds.


Wood furniture is one of the most valuable things you’ll have inside your house. These pieces of furniture can easily become heirloom pieces. If you’re planning to move heavy wooden furniture, it pays to be extra careful. With the tips mentioned above, you’ll have an easy time moving around your furniture without having to worry about damaging it.

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