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Pedestal Dining Tables vs 4 Legged Dining Tables

If you’re moving to a new house and planning to buy new furniture, the dining table is one of the most important pieces you should prioritize. But what type of table is perfect for your home? A pedestal dining table, or a four-legged one? Read on to know the answer.

Pros of Pedestal Dining Tables 

Pedestal dining tables are great if you want more seating space. Since there are no legs on the corners, you can get more chairs and people on the table. If you frequently host lunches or dinners at home, this is a huge advantage. 

Apart from that, pedestal dining tables have more luxurious bases. If you want to use your dining table as a statement piece, then a pedestal dining table is better than a four-legged one. They can come in different styles and designs that can fit various interior design themes and decor style. 

That brings us to another benefit of pedestal dining tables: you can choose from a wide variety of solid wood bases. You can pick out the type of wood you want and create the design and look you want — whether it’s contemporary, industrial, rustic, or others.

Cons of Pedestal Dining Tables 

Pedestal dining tables also have significant disadvantages. For one, they’re more expensive than four-legged tables. They’re bigger and require more time and effort to build, and that translates to extra costs for the manufacturer. 

On average, pedestal dining tables cost $600 more than the same-sized four-legged table. The price difference could be greater depending on the wood material and type of pedestal you want. 

Then, there’s the issue of stability. The pedestal table’s support is at the center instead of at the corners. So, if you push down the end of a pedestal dining table, it might tumble — it’s less stable than a four-legged dining table. 

Finally, there’s the issue of leg space. Pedestals can get in the way of feet and chairs. If you don’t consider the shape of the pedestal upon purchase, you might end up with one that doesn’t let you tuck chairs all the way in. guests may bump their knees or feel uncomfortable with their feet when they sit around the table. 

Pros of Four-Legged Tables 

Four-legged tables are significantly more common than pedestal dining tables. Because of that, they’re available in more stores, sizes, and designs. Everyone also commonly thinks of four-legged tables whenever anyone mentions a dining table. Overall, they’re more versatile and easily accessible than pedestal dining tables. 

Moreover, leg tables are easier to build. They weigh lighter than pedestal tables, too, so you can relocate them around the house or to other places whenever you see fit. You can even build or repair them yourself if you have a working knowledge of woodwork.

And since they’re easier to build than pedestal tables, they cost cheaper. If you want to buy something that can last a long time without breaking the bank, then four-legged dining tables are your best bet. 

Further, these tables are more stable than pedestal tables — the four legs supporting the corners of the table ensure that it can stand upright even when pressure is applied in one corner. 

Cons of Four-Legged Tables  

If pedestal tables are more practical when you want to seat more people at one table, then four-legged tables are the exact opposite. They’re more precise when it comes to the number of people who can use them at once. The legs get in the way of utilizing the space. 

Moreover, they don’t look as elegant or stylish as pedestal tables. They’re better for day-to-day use and don’t serve as statement pieces unless they’re designed using the most expensive and flashy materials. 

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