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Your dining table is the centerpiece of your home. It’s where you gather with family and friends to share meals, make memories, and celebrate special occasions. But did you know that there’s more to styling a dining table than just throwing down a tablecloth and setting out some dishes?

Whether you’re hosting a casual get-together or a formal dinner party, there are certain elements that you’ll want to consider when styling your dining table. In this blog post, we’ll break down how to style your dining table for different occasions so that you can make the most of this important piece of furniture.

For a Casual Gathering:

If you’re hosting a casual gathering, such as brunch with friends or family, you’ll want to keep your tablescape simple. Start with a neutral base, such as a white linen tablecloth or runner. Then, add in some colorful accents, like fresh flowers or patterned napkins. For place settings, use simple white dishware and flatware. And don’t forget the finishing touches! Candles add warmth and ambiance to any space, so be sure to include them in your tablescape.

For a Formal Dinner Party:

When hosting a formal dinner party, it’s important to create an elegant and inviting tablescape. Start with a white linen tablecloth and add in some sparkling accents, like gold chargers or sparkly candle holders. For place settings, use white dishware and rent or borrow some nicer silver flatware if you don’t have any. Top it all off with some fresh flowers or greenery for a touch of elegance.

For a holiday occasion:

No matter what holiday you’re celebrating, certain elements should be included in your tablescape. For example, red and green are traditional Christmas colors, so you may want to incorporate these hues into your place settings. Pumpkins and gourds are perfect for fall occasions like Thanksgiving, while flowers are always a nice addition to any tablescape. Don’t forget the finishing touches! Candles, place cards, and festive centerpieces are all great ways to add holiday cheer to your dining table.

No matter what kind of event you’re hosting, there are certain elements that you’ll want to consider when styling your dining table. By following these tips, you can create an inviting and stylish space that will wow your guests!

If you’re thinking of buying a dining table for your house, consider round dining tables. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of having one in your space and when it is better than square or rectangular tables. Read on! 

Ideal for Small Spaces 

Not all homes can accommodate large dining tables. Some homeowners have to settle for smaller dining tables that fit their space — round dining tables are perfect for this purpose. They come in a wide variety of styles and designs. Whatever size your space is, there’s a round dining table that suits it. 

Moreover, round dining tables are easy to handle. Since it lacks corners, you can quickly move a round dining table into smaller areas. You can also easily tuck chairs and stools under the table, reducing the space that the furniture set occupies. 

They Have Soft Edges 

Square and rectangular tables have corners and sharp edges, which can be dangerous to younger children and even elders who can injure themselves easily. Using a round dining table helps you avoid this problem altogether. 

Round dining tables have a smooth circumference, preventing injury caused by accidental bumps. Clothes also tend to snag at the sides of square and rectangular tables. You won’t have this problem with round dining tables. 

Improve Conversations and Access to Food 

Round dining tables don’t have a space for the “head” of the table, unlike rectangular tables. On top of that, no one will be seated too far away from another person at the opposite end of the table, allowing everyone to have nice conversations. 

Everyone faces the center of the table. It’s easy to catch someone’s attention when you want to say something. Round dining tables also don’t point to any other focal point in a room, such as a TV or a window. This encourages people to talk to each other. 

Moreover, you can easily access food on the table, provided the dining table isn’t too big. A round dining table that seats four people ensure that everyone is equidistant from anything on the table, be that food or other items. 

Better Flow in Your Space 

Since round tables lack corners, people can easily walk around them and find their seats. It’s easier to gather around the dining space for meals or celebrations. This enhanced space flow allows you and your family members to find the space you like while comfortably moving. 

There’s less bumping or crowding when someone tries to sit down. Additionally, you won’t get caught in share corners when you try to get to the other side of the table. From an interior design perspective, the round shape of the table also pulls all elements of the room together, anchoring your space together.  

Here’s a quick tip: when setting up a round dining table, keep extra space behind the chairs to comfortably pull them in and out. As a rule, there should be a minimum of two feet between the edge of the table and the wall.

Nothing stands the test of time like a solid wood dining table- these pieces hold unmatched charm, bringing a sense of sophistication and structural value to every room they’re introduced to. For this reason and more, solid wood dining tables cost a pretty penny, and while that pinch matches the worth, it’s only right to be wary. When you’ve spent so much on your dining table, you’re intrinsically inclined to get the most out of it; for some, this can look like a frequent polish and dusting. However, for others, it is establishing a mindful relationship with their dining tables. If the latter is where you’re at, understanding the do’s and don’ts of solid wood dining centerpieces is a good start. Here we discuss five don’ts to get you on track.


If you’re one to set casseroles straight from the oven or have a steaming cup of coffee on your bare dining table, here’s a fair warning. Heat can be extremely damaging to wooden furniture, often causing scorch marks and rings, and in extreme cases, heat can go as far as warping and cracking wood furniture. While there’s no way to avoid high temperatures with dining tables, there are solutions to help limit heat contact: placemats and tablecloths.

Note: Be very wary about your dining table placement ensuring you steer away from fireplaces, radiators and heaters.


Moisture is a sworn nemesis to solid wood dining tables; not only does it leave white rings when trapped on them, but it also causes the furniture to sag and swell. In addition, high humidity levels create a breeding ground for pests, mold and mildew; when all this is rounded up, it threatens the life and quality of your dining table. Fortunately, you can bar off these effects by using coasters for chilled drinks and regulating your dining room humidity with a dehumidifier.

Direct sunlight

No positives come from setting your dining table in direct sunlight, and we’ll tell you why. Apart from the heat exposure, the sun comes with UV content that can be disastrous for your dining table. Solid wood tables lose their shine and fine finishing with prolonged exposure to these ultraviolet rays. So while you may be excited about an outdoor dining table, you might want to remain conscious about where you set up. Blinds, shades, and drapes should do the trick for indoor dining settings with direct sunlight exposure.

Sharp objects

Hold back on the sharp objects if you want to protect your solid wood investment. Ideally, these items scratch and chip away at your dining table’s surface, leaving it unsightly. Of course, this caution sums up the sharp cutlery, chunky jewelry and cleaning techniques. On this note, we suggest lifting rather than dragging if you have to use a sharp knife and fork on your bare dining table. For the host with blinged-up guests, consider using a tablecloth to protect that gorgeous wood surface.

Pro tip: Whenever you have to scrape off clumps when cleaning your table, reach for your credit card instead of sharp abrasive materials; this works especially well for candle wax stains


Harsh commercial chemicals are wooden furniture’s biggest nightmare. Think back to your cleaning solutions and polishes; half of these products contain aggressive ingredients like ammonia and alcohol, which are quite capable of corroding and fading out that fine table finish. Identically, everyday use products that contain ingredients like alcohol pose an equal threat to your dining table, a perfect example being nail polish removers and perfumes.

Final thoughts

Furniture is a prized investment; for most, these are the pieces they envision making memories and growing old in. That aside, furniture pieces cost a pretty buck, so it’s only right to want to get your money’s worth. While going for the best quality pieces is one way to go about it, learning how to care for your furniture is what’ll ultimately serve you in the long run. Let’s face it; wood is a natural material; with time, it is destined to weather and cave to traffic, but there’s beauty in that. As your dining table lives out those memories with you, some of them will be engraved in little scratches and stains; take that and bundle it up with some love and care and you’ll have a table full of character. Trust us; nothing beats graceful ageing. 

View the tables we have for sale here

The dining table is typically the focal point of a room it is in because of its size. So most people only think about the design and style of it. But just as essential as the table is the spot where you put it. It does not matter if you have a unique table in your neighborhood if you put it in the wrong place. That would just make it an eyesore. 

So, here is a simple guide to choosing the best spot for your dining table.

Look For Somewhere Spacious

If you have a rectangular room, determining whether it’s a good place to put your table is easy. All you have to do is measure the length and width of your room and deduct six feet from each. That will be the dimension of your rectangular table. So, for example, if you have a 16 x 12 feet room, the maximum size for your table should be 10 x 6 feet. This mathematical formula ensures people can have some breathing room and move their chairs when they want to sit.

But, do keep in mind the other large furniture or object in the space. For example, if you have a cabinet right behind the chairs, you’ll need to include it in the measurement. Remember to at least put three feet of free space on each side of your table so you and the other people who will sit will not have a hard time moving around.

Ensure There is Proper Lighting

Lighting is one of the essential things a dining space needs. Without proper lights, your guest can have difficulty seeing the food. And as you know, people eat with their eyes first. Another thing that lighting can do is dictate the mood of the room. Good ambient lighting will make the dining experience warmer, especially for occasions. But if you have a date with someone, dimming the lights and having some candles on the table will make the vibe more intimate.

Find a Visually Pleasing Spot Or Make One

Other than light and space, your dining table also needs to be in a visually pleasing spot to brighten the mood and make dinner more enjoyable. 

If you can place it where there is a view of nature, that would be great. But, if your home does not have that spot, you can hang wall decorations and paintings instead. It’s one of the finishing touches you can place in your dining space to make it more curated. 

But if you think those are expensive, having bright colored walls other than white will make for an interesting setup without drowning your eyes with a heavy tone. If you want something more unique than paint, you can try to put some wallpaper.


Finding the best spot for your dining table can be difficult because it’s a large piece of furniture. But it is necessary if you want people to have a complete dining experience. So if you know anyone who doesn’t know where to place their dining table, sharing this article should help.

You can view our dining tables for sale here.

Tables are one of the largest pieces of furniture you can own in your home, which means you need to ensure that you are buying the best style that’ll fit the interior design of your house. If you don’t, you could buy something you’ll regret. 

A good example is the dining table. This furniture is the centerpiece of the dining room and where your family or guests eat, talk and hang out. So if you buy anything that sticks out like a sore thumb, it could ruin the mood in the room, making dinner and get-togethers less enjoyable. So to help you, here is a guide to popular tables in 2022.


If you value convenience, you are not wrong in choosing extendable tables. They may seem like any ordinary table, but manufacturers created them to allow you to expand it. 

The best part of this table is its versatility. On typical days, you probably don’t want your table to take up too much space in a room. But when there’s an occasion like a dinner party or game night, and you’ve got people coming over, you can extend the table to accommodate more people.


If you are into modern designs, parson tables would be perfect. You can easily identify this table because of its sleek, straight, and 90-degree angle design, with its legs sitting square and flush on the tabletop edges. 

You can get parson tables in any material or size, and they’ll maintain their clean and simple look. Whether you want this table to be part of your modern interior design or for more elaborate décor elements, the simplicity of the Parson table makes it timeless. So there’s no difficulty pairing this with other furniture pieces in your home.


Trestle tables may have originated in the middle ages, but their style has remained relevant even after many centuries. Typically people prefer a tabletop with two trestle support since it’s a sturdy and functional design while being classic and timeless. Trestle tables are also practical since they can last for a long time.

Mid-Century Modern

Mid-century tables may have originated in the 1940s, ’50s, and ’60s. But its popularity remained today because of its natural tone and simple aesthetic.

Manufacturers typically make mid-century tables with warm-toned wood with angled wooden legs in a clean, minimalist style. Because of this feature, the opportunity to balance out large-scale artwork or chandeliers opens up. This table is also very versatile, offering functionality while remaining timeless.

Overall, mid-century tables are a safe style to choose, especially if you want something that remains fashionable for decades.


A farmhouse-style table is ideal if you want a warm, cozy vibe in a room. The rustic, with a little vintage feel, makes the farmhouse tables match any modern interior. It’s one of the ways to bring the pleasant feeling of the outdoors inside your house. Plus, manufacturers make farmhouse tables out of solid wood. So if you plan to use yours with heavy-duty tasks, you don’t have to worry about it breaking soon. 


Roundtables can come in various styles, but all of them will have, more or less, the same advantages. One of them is that roundtables are perfect for small spaces. It also lets you see everyone at the table, creating a sense of equality. That’s why it can be a good option for those who want a casual and inviting atmosphere.


Finding the perfect table for your home is no cakewalk, especially if you have no prior knowledge. But if you buy the ones above, it’s guaranteed you won’t have anything that will be out of place in your house. So if you know anyone having difficulty choosing what table to buy, share this article to help them.

Game nights, dinner parties, and holiday hostings, however cheery, can be a point of frustration. For the close-knit small unit households, these gatherings create a disruptive environment for the host as they struggle to accommodate the extra guest capacity. While the situation isn’t unheard of, it leaves a poor hospitality taste in your guests’ mouths. Conversely, going too extensive with your dining table set with regards to hosting etiquette doesn’t sit right. Ultimately, the homeowner is left with the dilemma of introducing an unsightly table in their restrictive space or sucking it up and owning the title of “worst Christmas dinner host”- yikes. 

Four reasons to love extendable dining tables

Mealtimes are the heart of beaming laughter and shared memories; in a way, this essence builds the pressure to find a perfect dining table. While we may force it and fight, traditional dining setups don’t step fully up to the plate, undeniably falling short in the flexibility department. With extendable or folding dining tables, however, homeowners can enjoy the best of both worlds, maximizing their dining space while equally maintaining that intimate feel a dining table should have. That’s not all; expandable dining tables garner popularity for compelling reasons, and we’re about to take you through four of them.


Unlike textbook dinner structures, foldable dining tables present a flexible furniture option for homeowners. How so? These unique furniture statements are designed with pegged leaf installations for the adjustability of the tabletop. In practicality, this mechanism lets the owner pull the leaves out for an extension that would accommodate extra guest capacity. After use, one can revert the table to its usual sitting capacity saving on the dining area space- this is adaptability at its finest. 


Far from expectations, the extension features of extendable tables don’t distort their functionality – these pieces maintain the normal operation of a regular dining table. You’ll find that a foldable table like another will withstand frequent use and traffic of a basic household impressively taking to external forces like spills, cleaning agents, heat, and dents without compromising their service to you.


Extendable dining tables are designed to last a lifetime thanks to their sturdy and robust build. Furniture makers specializing in this table typography often utilize market-acceptable raw materials like wood, metal, and glass to extend their resistance. Besides the high-quality materials, the designers also reckon the extension mechanism, ideally incorporating non-abrasive parts and safe joinery so the buyer can get their money’s worth without worrying about dents and scratches.


Surprisingly, expandable dining tables come in various materials, colors, shapes, and sizes; homeowners looking to invest in this dining furniture style will find themselves spoiled for choice. Expandable dining tables further build on their versatility with the custom-made selections and ready-made options liberating the buyer’s pick. Characteristically, these pieces also thrive well on standard furniture improvements like painting, sanding, staining, et cetera.


Expandable dining tables are no doubt the future. For most, these furniture additions are more than a simple means to an end as they liberate their dining experience as a whole. While some would argue that regular dining tables hold footing in the furniture market, there’s no denying that foldable dining tables are taking the furniture world by storm. Quite frankly, a push away from the bland comfort zone of dining tables is much needed; if anything, we’d say it’s a small price to pay for limitless flexibility.

Are you moving into a new home or looking to refurbish your space? If you are, you probably should anticipate a splurge or save dilemma, especially with the furniture. Transitions are ideally costly, and when you zero in on the transportation, deposit, and miscellaneous expenses, you’re looking at gag-worthy thousands of dollars before you can have your space feel homey. It’s all part of the process- investing in the textiles, décor, and furniture pieces for our homes so they reflect and speak to us. Naturally, most people have a budget drawn out for their purchases, however, when it comes down to it, purchasing everything brand new is never financially reasonable. So, when should one make a call to go new? Or rather which furniture pieces come with the flexibility to compromise and go second-hand? Dining tables.

New vs. used dining tables: five considerations you should make.

Although they may not seem as much to most people, dining tables are centerpieces, these additions are what’ll ultimately stand out in the room. The feel, projection, functionality, and aesthetic of your dining table are the focal point of the area typically determining selection. Fortunately for you though, the market is brimming with plenty of tables meeting this criterion. The real question is; should you go the pre-loved or brand-new route with your dining table hunt? We have all the answers summarized for you below.


The prices tip the scales for new dining tables. You’ll find used tables relatively affordable compared to new ones, not because they’re of compromised quality but because their previous owner is looking to dispose of them. Usually, when people put second-hand dining tables up for sale, they’ve outgrown them or are looking to move on to something different, and since the table has some years on it, it’s bound to cost less than its original price. If you’re looking to save some bucks cash with your purchase, pre-used is no doubt the best way to go; however, if money isn’t a factor, we suggest getting a new table as they’re less likely to come flawed.

Note: Be sure to check for dents and scratches when paying for a second-hand table.


In terms of lifespan, new dining tables are built to last longer as they often come in perfectly good shape with zero tears and wear. There’s no denying that their high quality places them at an advantage to withstand traffic better than pre-loved tables would, guaranteeing you years of unwavering elegance and use. Dulling in comparison are second-hand tables that have seen the best of their years and endured a battering, you shouldn’t expect these pieces to weather high traffic gracefully. They’ll probably offer you nothing short of a couple of years of service. Durability should however not be a deal-breaker with used dining tables if you’re only out for something short-term and an organically vintage touch. 


Charming as they may be, pre-owned tables fall short in the variety department. Unlike brand new pieces, used dining tables don’t have a range of manufactured options to choose from, so, what you’ll see before your eyes is all you get. Of course, there’s always the option to shop around for different designs, but the fact remains that you wouldn’t enjoy the versatility and diversity available with store dining tables. Alternatively, trendy dining tables come in various styles, sizes, materials, and designs warranted to meet any taste and preference.


Are you looking to make an eco-conscious decision with your furniture? Second-hand furniture is the answer. Step off the consumer treadmill with a pre-owned dining table to significantly cut back on the carbon footprint synonymous with the furniture-making industry. By choosing to used over new dining tables, you’re directly minimizing the harvest of timber, the creation of plastic, and fossil fuel pollution. Pre-owned dining tables are also a notable contribution to the local economy, so by locally buying your table from your area, you’re directly chipping into the neighborhood financial system which is a plus.


One thing that stands out with brand new dining tables (particularly tailor-made ones), is their room for customization. Having your dining table carved from scratch means you’ll get to incorporate every detail to your liking, from the seating capacity to the material used and the size, a feature you’ll never find in pre-owned tables. The latter plays within the market-available options, and though sometimes you can switch things up a little bit with an old table, it will always be quite limited.

Bottom line

Whether or not to get a new dining table is a question with no definite answer; both ends of the spectrum sport undeniable pros as they do cons; ultimately, it all comes down to your needs and wants. Homeowners looking for purely vintage aesthetics, eco-conscious, and affordable home pieces that would serve them a short while would make do with a second-hand dining table. Comparatively, buyers looking to spend a buck on a long-term custom investment with variety and impeccable quality are better off choosing a brand new table. The call is, therefore, yours to make- analyze your budget, home’s needs, and style to find your perfect dining table.

If you’re moving to a new house and planning to buy new furniture, the dining table is one of the most important pieces you should prioritize. But what type of table is perfect for your home? A pedestal dining table, or a four-legged one? Read on to know the answer.

Pros of Pedestal Dining Tables 

Pedestal dining tables are great if you want more seating space. Since there are no legs on the corners, you can get more chairs and people on the table. If you frequently host lunches or dinners at home, this is a huge advantage. 

Apart from that, pedestal dining tables have more luxurious bases. If you want to use your dining table as a statement piece, then a pedestal dining table is better than a four-legged one. They can come in different styles and designs that can fit various interior design themes and decor style. 

That brings us to another benefit of pedestal dining tables: you can choose from a wide variety of solid wood bases. You can pick out the type of wood you want and create the design and look you want — whether it’s contemporary, industrial, rustic, or others.

Cons of Pedestal Dining Tables 

Pedestal dining tables also have significant disadvantages. For one, they’re more expensive than four-legged tables. They’re bigger and require more time and effort to build, and that translates to extra costs for the manufacturer. 

On average, pedestal dining tables cost $600 more than the same-sized four-legged table. The price difference could be greater depending on the wood material and type of pedestal you want. 

Then, there’s the issue of stability. The pedestal table’s support is at the center instead of at the corners. So, if you push down the end of a pedestal dining table, it might tumble — it’s less stable than a four-legged dining table. 

Finally, there’s the issue of leg space. Pedestals can get in the way of feet and chairs. If you don’t consider the shape of the pedestal upon purchase, you might end up with one that doesn’t let you tuck chairs all the way in. guests may bump their knees or feel uncomfortable with their feet when they sit around the table. 

Pros of Four-Legged Tables 

Four-legged tables are significantly more common than pedestal dining tables. Because of that, they’re available in more stores, sizes, and designs. Everyone also commonly thinks of four-legged tables whenever anyone mentions a dining table. Overall, they’re more versatile and easily accessible than pedestal dining tables. 

Moreover, leg tables are easier to build. They weigh lighter than pedestal tables, too, so you can relocate them around the house or to other places whenever you see fit. You can even build or repair them yourself if you have a working knowledge of woodwork.

And since they’re easier to build than pedestal tables, they cost cheaper. If you want to buy something that can last a long time without breaking the bank, then four-legged dining tables are your best bet. 

Further, these tables are more stable than pedestal tables — the four legs supporting the corners of the table ensure that it can stand upright even when pressure is applied in one corner. 

Cons of Four-Legged Tables  

If pedestal tables are more practical when you want to seat more people at one table, then four-legged tables are the exact opposite. They’re more precise when it comes to the number of people who can use them at once. The legs get in the way of utilizing the space. 

Moreover, they don’t look as elegant or stylish as pedestal tables. They’re better for day-to-day use and don’t serve as statement pieces unless they’re designed using the most expensive and flashy materials. 

Do you need to buy a new dining table for your home but don’t know where to start? With all the options out there in the market, depending on different factors such as your dining room size, the number of people you live with, or your designated budget, dining table shopping might become overwhelming for you. 

Here is an essential guide for you that breaks down the things you need to note before buying a new dining table:


Deciding which table to buy based on its material may seem daunting, especially when you have to consider its price, comfort, and style. If you are thinking of what material should be best when shopping for a new dining table, you might as well look at these options:

  • Wood – If you are looking for a sturdy table that will last for a long time, wooden dining tables would be considered the best option. The best types of wood are teak, rosewood, pine, satinwood, or any other indigenous or imported timber. 
  • Glass – If you want a more classy and minimalist option, glass tables are lovely for your dining furniture set. For dimly-lit rooms, glass is a great choice to expand light across your given space. Glass is often a go-to material for tabletops and may last for a long time with proper care and maintenance.
  • Stone-Stone tabletops are go-to pieces that add a touch of luxury and elegance to your dining space. Types of stone materials are often chosen from composite, marble, quartz, and cement. However, one caveat for this kind of material for a tabletop is that it requires frequent resealing and cleaning. 
  • Metal – When used as a tabletop, metal dining tables match dining areas that reflect an industrial and rustic vibe. Although it is cheaper than the other types of table material, it is still sturdy and durable and may stand the test of time.

Size of Your Dining Area

It is also essential to consider the size of your room whenever you are buying new furniture, especially when it comes to dining tables. The rule of thumb is that your dining table must fit your dining area. Considering an object’s visual weight once it is placed in your designated space is also an essential element in choosing your dining table. 

Aside from the room’s size, it would help if you also took note of your family size. If you have a reasonably large household or love to invite guests over to dine, you may need a large dining table to accommodate all these people. Comfortability and the space required on the table surface itself to lay down the dishes and the dining utensils are relevant factors that also need to be considered.


Dining tables typically come in round, rectangular, or square shapes. To determine which form would fit well for your room, you need to consider how well your preferred table of choice would fit nicely into your dining area. Round tables are great for small dining spaces, while a square table can work well for a tiny family of four. Rectangular tables can seat more people and provide a classic, elegant feel to your dining area.

Matching Chairs

If you already have dining chairs available, it would be practical to choose a dining table to match these chairs and complete the set. A cohesive look would always look great, no matter what occasion there is that will be celebrated in your dining area. 

However, do not also be afraid to mix things up a bit and put a little contrast to your dining set. An example is having chairs in neutral tones and matching this with a table that has a bolder color. 


Durability and stability of a dining table are always primordial factors in making sure it is worth the money spent for such a piece of furniture. If you are on a tight budget, you may divide your preferences into must-haves and nice-to-haves, and from there, you can distinguish what would be your priority when choosing the right dining table for your home.


The best memories are often experienced in the space where your family gathers the most, and this will be your dining area. Having a dining table that checks all the boxes is a worthy investment but may also be an heirloom that preserves all your fond memories and that which you can pass on to your future generations.

From the Greek Trojan Horse to our very own everyday furniture, wood has proven time and time again to be the go-to material for all types of crafting. Decades later, we’re still obsessed with wood’s prominence and timelessness. Despite the years of advancements and innovations in the furniture-making industry, most homeowners still find themselves leaning towards the traditional approach of timber working for their household furniture staples. Today, it is nearly impossible to spot a home anywhere across the globe without a touch of wooden furniture. Whether it’s a coffee table, a bar stool, a sofa set, or a dining table, wood will somehow always find its way back into our homes and hearts- this brings the question- what does wood bring to the table? (literally, of course).

Going solid wood for dining tables

From accent pieces to show-stopping centerpieces, wood plays a versatile role in household furniture. Our personal favorite is the dining table; for most people, this is the main attraction of their dining area. Dining tables are typically the core of every dining space; the significant room they take up and their central placement tell it all. While we could always weigh in an option or two against solid wood dining tables, the odds will always be in the wood’s favor, and we’re about to tell you why.


For most homeowners, buying a piece of furniture is usually a long-term investment. Correspondingly, when you spend a chunk on your dining table, you’re instinctively inclined to want years of service from it. Wood is a naturally sturdy material, unlike the significant portion of modern-day dining table options like glass or plastic. Hardwood is mainly characterized by strength and quality, making it one of the most durable materials available in the market today. When you opt to get a wooden dining table, you’re signing up for a long-lasting furniture addition that will serve you for generations to come. Cancel out the shatter risk that comes with glass dining tables or the rust risk you’re exposed to with an industrial metallic dining table by going wooden.


Gorgeous effortlessness is the bundle deal you get with wooden dining tables. You’d think that from its durability trait, your wooden dining table would require you to go the extra mile to keep it in tip-top shape. However, it doesn’t take much to maintain your wooden dining table’s beauty. A regular dust off and spill wipe down with an occasional wood treatment should go a long way in keeping your table spotless and tremendously extending its lifespan. Who said beauty has to go with pain? Invest in a wood cleaning agent, microfiber cloth, and wax, and you’re good to go!


Factory manufactured tables come with one significant downside-rigidity. Most contemporary tables are mass-produced, which means they will be designed to fit and cater to the considerable public’s needs and tastes. On the other hand, solid wood dining tables are unique as they can be tailored to suit personal style and preferences. Similarly, if the natural color of the wood is not appealing to you, there’s always an option to stain that cherry oak table, so it matches the allure of teak or walnut. Another advantage of solid wood tables is the open liberty to tailor them to your preferred size and seat occupation. You’re looking at endless possibilities.


As unique as they come, wooden dining tables remain highly amendable. What does this mean? There is always room to switch up and spruce up your dining table without gag-worthy spending. Rather than replace your dining table every time you decorate, solid wood dining tables allow you to repaint or stain them. You can also sand down your table to get rid of any scratches or achieve a lighter-toned table aesthetic. Wooden tables are as malleable as you can go with your dining room statement pieces.

Wrapping up

No doubt, wood touts a wide range of advantages to consider when shopping for dining tables. While they may be considerably costly upfront, wooden tables will always give you value for your money. The warm beauty and durability of solid wood brought into your dining area are enough to make up for the financial pinch. Admittedly, going wood with your dining room centerpiece is disadvantageous in a couple of ways; however, the cons significantly outweigh the pros. So, if a long-lasting undemanding, and unique dining table that could turn into an heirloom is a gamble you’re willing to take, solid wood dining tables are the way to go!

How to Style Your Dining Table for Different Occasions
Benefits of Having a Round Dining Table
Things to avoid getting on your solid wood dining table
How to Choose the Best Spot for Your Dining Table
Popular Styles of Tables In 2022
The Reason People Love Extendable Dining Tables
Should you buy a used dining table or a new one
Pedestal Dining Tables vs 4 Legged Dining Tables
Things to Consider Before Buying Your Next Dining Table
Why It’s A Good Idea To Have A Solid Wood Dining Table